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Courses .

Reseau Internacional de Thèâtre Antena -  R.I.T.A.

Permanent Center for Theatrical Research

Online and onsite courses.

Workshops for Actors

From the neutral mask to the buffoon

Main Goals:


Develop physical awareness, evaluating creativity on each exercise.


Through movement analysis, reinforce an accurate technic aiming the creation work.


Deepen the neutral mask study (reference to all other masks). Encourage the actor to pull the trigger and then get into the buffoon universe.


The buffoon can rise from the mystery, the grotesque or the fantastic.




Neutral Mask / Varied Masks / Movement Analysis / Interpretation Levels / Range of action / Physical Behavior / Physical Theatre Essence / Buffoons / Scenic Creation


Analysis of works from Hieronymus Bosch and classic literature/cinema characters related to the buffoon aspects.


Aimed at actors, clowns, dancers, performers and scenic arts students.

The Clown’s Take-Off (advanced course)

Main goals:


Provide contact with all human comedy levels. Awaken the capacity of physical freedom from the discovery of the clown.


Activate the technical mechanisms that build a comedy.


Reach your clown through the analysis of the movement and comprehension of physical tension qualities. The comic variations: the burlesque, the absurd and the eccentric.


Tools to build your clown scene, to be presented individually or in groups.




Range of Actions / Parallel Movements / Timing and Comedy / Classic Comedies / The Clown and the Contemporary Scene / The Death of the Clown  / The Clown and the Music / The Clown and the Dance / Creation and Screenplay


Classic comedy movies reviews, including names like Jacques Tatit, Buster Keaton, Marx Brothers, Chaplin and other scenic creation masters.


Aimed at clowns, dancers, performers and cinema/theatre students.

From the body to the script

Starting from the physical awareness and from exercises with the neutral mask, the student will experience the way that leads from improvisation to the script. The following step will lead to the creation of an audiovisual screenplay.


The main goal is to elaborate a logline that will be the cornerstone to build a short film screenplay or web series.

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